Written by Lavondra Ham, 3rd grade teacher
For the month of March and into April, the Third Grade has been
learning about the human body! Before students began working in
collaborative groups students learned about some of the different body
systems that make the body work.
Students were then divided into different partnerships and groups to
research and discover more in-depth information about the body system.
The topics covered include the digestive, circulatory, nervous, and skin
systems. They will all have different responsibilities for each part of the
project. This gives them the opportunity to be research writers, visual
aid artists, speakers, games and activity planners, and experiment
The class has really been excited to work on this project. Students have
come up with creative and interesting ways to express how they will
teach each other about their body system. The best part is watching
students come up with new ideas and learning how to collaborate on a
project together. I look forward to seeing more of what they come up